· Until now, to get a concise but complete idea of Pound's oeuvre--spanning the mythy free verse of A Lume Spento (), which seeks "many a new thing understood" to the last, war-wracked cantos of the late s, which plead, "let the Gods forgive what I/ have made"--was all but impossible, requiring the purchase of a thin, confusingly organized Selected Poems put together by Pound; a Brand: New Directions Publishing Corporation. In this selected poems you get quite a range of his work even quite a few of the cantos. Highlights - "sestina: alta forta" "the house of splendour" "la fraisne" "piere vidal old" "portrait d'une femme" "the seafarer" "apparuit" "the garret" "the garden" "dance figure" "the river song" "exile's letter" "envoi" "medallion" "homage to sextus propertius" and "the cantos"/5. Selected Poems and Translations of Ezra Pound Edited by Richard Sieburth Paperback – January 1, /5(4).
The essential collection of Ezra Pound's poetry—newly expanded and annotated with essays by Richard Sieburth, T. S. Eliot, and John Berryman. This newly revised and greatly expanded edition of Ezra Pound's Selected Poems is intended to articulate Pound for the twenty-first century. Gone are many of the "stale creampuffs" (as Pound. Ezra Pound; Ezra Pound (primary author only) Author division. Ezra Pound is currently considered a "single author." If one or more works are by a distinct, homonymous authors, go ahead and split the author. Includes. Ezra Pound is composed of 20 names. You can examine and separate out names. Combine with. Selected Poems Ezra Pound. PaperBackJuly 1, This selection provides an excellent introduction to Ezra Pound s poetry for the general reader, and for the student of contemporary literature. It takes the place of the pioneer edition edited by T. S. Eliot which was published in A representative group of early poems is.
Christine Froula in A Guide to Ezra Pound’s Selected Poems suggested that Pound’s poem, “in its inclusion of fragments of many cultures and many languages, its multiple historical lines, its anthropological perspectives, remains a powerfully and often movingly expressive image of the modern world. It marks the end of the old idea of the tribe as a group who participate in and share a single, closed culture, and redefines it as the human community in all its complex diversity.”. This edition replaces Ezra Pound's Selected Poems , and offers a revaluation of the poetry by conjoining early and late works within a new overview. Emphasis has also been laid on the interpenetration of original composition and translation within Pound's career, and the edition includes the complete 'Homage to Sextus Propertius' in its original lineation, Pound's early translations from Cavalcanti and the troubadours, and his late translations of the Confucian Odes, Horace and. Selected Poems and Translations of Ezra Pound Edited by Richard Sieburth Paperback – January 1,